
Educational courses

How to get a job in New Zealand

After completing the course, students will be able to understand the New Zealand labor market, study how to make a CV and CL professionally, set up a Linkedin profile to increase their rating, find employers, prepare properly and pass interviews.

Issued Document – Certificate of Course Completion 
The tuition fee is $ 850

How is the education going?

  • Pay for participation and get access to materials
  • Take lessons and complete tasks, get feedback from the curator and HR specialist
What will you get for the course?
  • you will learn about the specifics of the labor market and how companies are looking for employees
  • "promote" yourself in the labor market and identify your strengths and valuable experience
  • learn how to write CV (resume) and SL (cover letter)
  • competently fill out LinkedIn and learn how it will help you in finding a job
  • prepare for an interview and study the main questions and strategies for building answers
  • learn how to use networking, work with ATS and labor associations
Module 1: The right to work in NZ
- Types of work visas
- In-demand specialties
- Accredited employers and how they can be useful to you
Module 2: Features of the labor market
- Features and structure of companies
- People's mentality and culture in the workplace
- New Zealand Labour Law
- Employment options
- Labor associations and how they can help you in finding a job
- Types of activities requiring a special license
Module 3: Job Search
- Where companies are looking for employees
- Where to look for employment opportunities
- How not to miss hidden opportunities (according to statistics on specialist search sites, no more than 20% of the actual vacancies)
- How to Use Networking for Job Search
Module 4: Resume and cover letter
- We compose CV and Cover Letter
- How to adjust CV and Cover Letter for vacancies
- How to write about experience and skills
- How to write a Personal Statement
- How to show motivation and convince the employer that you are the best candidate
- What is ATS and how to bypass it so that your CV and Cover Letter are seen by the employer
- Frequent mistakes when preparing CV and Cover Letter
- CV and Cover Letter examples and Templates
Module 5: LinkedIn
- We fill out the account correctly
- Reducing the time of job search
- How to optimize your account so that employers notice you
Module 6: How not to fail the interview?
- General points of preparation for the interview and life hacks
- 7 popular interview questions with examples of answers
- What are behavioral questions and how to answer them in order to show yourself from the most advantageous side
- Как и когда разговаривать о зарплате.

How to get a job in Australia

After completing the course, students will be able to understand the labor market and labor legislation of Australia, learn how to make a CV and CL professionally, set up a Linkedin profile to increase their rating, find employers, prepare properly and pass interviews.

Issued Document – Certificate of Course Completion 
The tuition fee is $ 850

How is the education going?

  • Pay for participation and get access to materials
  • Take lessons and complete tasks, get feedback from the curator and HR specialist
What you will get on the course?
  • you will learn about the specifics of the labor market and how companies are looking for employees
  • "promote" yourself in the labor market and identify your strengths and valuable experience
  • learn how to write CV (resume) and SL (cover letter)
  • competently fill out LinkedIn and learn how it will help you in finding a job
  • prepare for an interview and study the main questions and strategies for building answers
  • learn how to use networking, work
Module 1: How to get a job in Australia?
- Types of work visas
- In-demand specialties
- Accredited employers and how they can be useful to you
Module 2: Features of the labor market.
- Features and structure of companies
- People's mentality and culture in the workplace
- Australian Labor law
- Employment options
- Labor associations and how they can help you find a job
- Types of activities requiring a special license
Module 3: How not to be out of work in Australia?
- Where companies are looking for employees
- Where to look for employment opportunities
- How not to miss hidden opportunities (according to statistics on specialist search sites, no more than 20% of the actual vacancies)
- How to Use Networking for Job Search
Module 4: How to write a "selling" resume and cover letter?
- We compose CV and Cover Letter
- How to adjust CV and Cover Letter for vacancies
- How to write about experience and skills
- How to write a Personal Statement
- How to show motivation and convince the employer that you are the best candidate
- What is ATS and how to bypass it so that your CV and Cover Letter are seen by the employer
- Frequent mistakes when preparing CV and Cover Letter
- CV and Cover Letter examples and Templates
Module 5: How to make sure that the employer does not pass by your LinkedIn account?
- Fill out the account correctly
- How to optimize your account so that employers notice you
Module 6: How not to "screw up" the interview?
- We compose CV and Cover Letter
- How to adjust CV and Cover Letter for vacancies
- How to write about experience and skills
- How to write a Personal Statement
- How to show motivation and convince the employer that you are the best candidate
- What is ATS and how to bypass it so that your CV and Cover Letter are seen by the employer
- Common mistakes when preparing CV and Cover Letter
- Examples and templates of CV and Cover Letter
Module 7: How not to "fail" the probation period?
- How to make sure that you meet the expectations of the management?
- How to behave on the first day, the first week, the first month?