
For Students

How to choose the correct profession and university

Most likely, you have been puzzling over this issue for quite a long time and have studied tons of information that is sometimes completely useless from the point of view of real help for a future student. 

Do not worry, we will tell you how to approach the choice of your future profession correctly, without further ado, and at the same time we will debunk several myths and erroneous judgments that clone various Internet resources from year to year.

In the modern world, everything is changing quite quickly and rapidly. This is both good and not so good at the same time. Because it is necessary to choose a profession that will be in demand and highly paid not only today or in 5 years, but also in the longer term. Here, most often, there are advisers from life or from the Internet, not necessarily with bad advice, and we will now teach you how to filter out harmful or unnecessary information. As you have already understood, the most important and first step is choosing a profession.

1. Choosing a profession after school

This advice is included in the set of golden rules and sounds easy for those school graduates who have already decided exactly on their future profession, and it is far from a fact that a future student will not change his mind during training or after some time after it. But more on that in the next paragraph.

There are several factors to consider:

  • how popular is your chosen profession in the world
  • if you are going to work and live in one country, then analyze the situation on the labor market in this country
  • decide on the country of study and further career building
  • to what extent does the chosen profession correspond to your knowledge, abilities and temperament
  • is the chosen profession really your dream
Nevertheless, a large number of already determined school graduates, when passing vocational orientation testing, may find that they misinterpreted their own abilities or gave out wishful thinking. In simple words, there is an image of a specialist in my head, which is based on subjective knowledge and which does not coincide with the real abilities and predisposition of the future applicant or does not correspond at all to the real state of affairs in the chosen field.

This is one of the main reasons why many students and graduates are disappointed in their chosen course of study and profession. Some states considered this factor so significant that they adjusted their education system to human nature.

So what should a student or a graduate do? You can try to figure it out on your own, and you can also use the services of proven professional selection experts specializing in helping schoolchildren and school graduates. Having passed a vocational orientation test, listening to an impartial analysis and conclusions, a teenager will significantly increase his chances of choosing a profession.
Experts recommend taking such tests starting at the age of 15, so that there is enough time for in-depth study of the necessary disciplines and timely reorientation to related or radically different professional activities.

What if you are not a teenager, but already a fully established person and you want to complete a bachelor's or master's degree program? And again, a large amount of information on the web is confusing. Yes, you no longer need to undergo career guidance and you know exactly what you want and for what. But here we will have to destroy a couple of myths and misconceptions to help you, our dear students with a choice.

"Take the most expensive course for which there is enough money." Agree, the most frequent advice you hear. The second in order, no less useless or even harmful, is the advice of choosing a program where graduates receive the largest salary. We hasten to upset you, your experience and knowledge are important, not some specific diploma.
Any employer first looks at your experience in projection for the vacancy you are applying for, then at your knowledge, then at your character, sociability, zeal, motivated desire to take this position and only last of all at your diploma. Note that it is not what program you have completed in terms of the importance of any rating, but a diploma confirming the level of education.

Hence the conclusion. Choosing a further path for yourself in adulthood, proceed from the extent to which the education you have received will help you in building a career. Everything else, the price of the program, its rating, etc. are secondary.
Well, what if you have already changed your mind about pursuing a career relevant to education in adulthood, or you are among those who already work in another specialty and you want to get an education relevant to your dreams or experience?
There are subtleties in the approval by universities of you as students, but taking courses in a new specialty or confirming experience before applying to a university will help you. Believe us, for universities, it is also important not only your aspiration in words, but also practical steps that prove the validity of your change of specialty.

2. Choosing a university

This is the second golden rule on the list and a headache for applicants. Myths and mistakes are the same in all countries. The most expensive university, the very first in the list of many ratings. If you only knew how ratings are compiled... Multiplying the number of these ratings by the number of countries and specialties, it is no wonder to get confused. 
Let's start with the fact that you have already decided on your profession and country, there is a list in front of you and now you are thinking about which university to choose. And you and I already know what the employer is looking at and we know for sure that the lack of sufficient finances to study at the most prestigious university in the world does not play a role in the success of a career. In addition, the country of your choice most likely has its own peculiarities in the education system. Based on this information available to you, start studying information about universities and make your own rating.

According to what criteria to make a rating:

  • is there any online elements in the program, so it's cheaper
  • whether the university offers double or triple diplomas for one term of study, it is more prestigious and more career opportunities. In our Nairi University you can find programs that have no analogues in the world
  • to what extent the programs at the university meet modern requirements, study the program
These are general rules that will allow you to unravel the tangle of information that you will receive when exploring opportunities and avoid possible mistakes. The main thing is to stick to these simple recommendations. 

Of course, special cases always have individual characteristics, so you can always write to us and we will try to help you.We also recommend our partners, the New Zealand company Kiwi Education, which has proven itself positively in the international educational market for many years. They will not only help you with the choice of the university and the country of study, but also help in the preparation of all necessary documents. You can contact them by clicking on the button and filling out the form. Our purpose is to help you. 

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