
Advice and support in choosing

Do you want to know more about studying online at Nairi University?

Check out our online learning checklist to make sure you have everything you need for successful online study.

  1. You will need a computer with a advanced operating system, such as Windows 10 or another similar in characteristics. For some advanced courses, you may need additional software, which will be specified in the program of your course. Check out the list of computer requirements for students below to find out what specifications you will need for your computer, and check out your course program for any additional software requirements.
  2. Make sure you have a reliable internet connection to reduce any network connection issues. Just in case, make sure you also have a backup to study, in case you ever lose your internet connection. It can be the home of a friend or family member, as well as a public place such as a library or cafe.
  3. Find several digital tools that can help with your coursework. Having a cloud backup to store your training files can also be important if you ever have problems with your computer. Check out our learning tips below.
  4. You can use your calendar or task scheduler to plan your week. Find the time during the day that is best for you, schedule this time in your diary and stick to this study time. The better you stick to the schedule of classes that you have set for yourself, the easier it will be for you to complete your course work. Set limits for yourself on how long you will work on your studies every day. Although it may seem like a good idea to spend a lot of time on your coursework in one day, it can quickly lead to emotional burnout, may deprive you of motivation to continue studying in the coming days or weeks.
  5. Make sure you don't take on too much of everything at once. If you combine your studies with a full-time job or taking care of your family, it may be more difficult than you think. Make sure you have realistic expectations about how much time you need to balance your life.
  6. Check out the extensive range of student support services available at NU. From academic services to consulting services. Students at Nairi University do not need to face difficulties and adversities alone.
  7. Make sure you know your course/program lecturer and how best to contact him. The lecturer will be the person you can contact if you have any questions or doubts about your course work. The lecturers assigned to your course will be experts in the course content and assignments, so they will be able to provide the best recommendations for any problems you may have during your studies.
  8. Decide in advance when you want to take the final exams. Exams with NU sometimes need to be booked at least 20 days in advance. Be sure to check out our exam page to be aware of how you can take the final exams.
  9. Create regular to-do lists to help you keep track of your coursework. Outline the main stages of your course, regularly update your to-do list with the next set of stages and pamper yourself when you reach these stages to keep motivated in your studies. You can also set daily or weekly goals for yourself. Listing your goals in addition to your daily tasks can help you keep track of which parts of your coursework you need to complete. It can also help eliminate any unnecessary tasks that may distract your attention. Make sure that the goals you set also coincide with the stages you need to achieve in your online training.


Exam preparations
Exam preparation can be a stressful time, regardless of whether it is your first or last exam while studying. We will try to help you alleviate some of this stress with the help of useful tips, tools and resources.

Assistance in successfully passing the next exam
Are you nervous about the upcoming exams? You are not alone. We have all been through this, we understand you and we know what it is. That's why we've put together some tips to help you navigate your exam preparation easily..

1) Make your study plan in advance
Students who have a structured plan of their study efforts for each day are more likely to be successful. Therefore, we recommend that you create a study schedule for yourself as early as possible in the semester. This will help you stay involved in the material throughout your studies, correct any problems as they arise and avoid them at the last minute of training, because they can cause anxiety about the exam.

2) Contact your lecturer
Your lecturer is the most important person of your course/ program, as well as the person who tracks your productivity and difficulties with mastering the material that arise during the studies. That's why we suggest you ask their feedback on whether you are ready to succeed in the course exam before you dive into it. If you are not quite ready for the exam yet, then teachers can help you achieve your objective.

Of course, you will need information and we tried to help with this:

Creating a educational schedule
One of the things that students like most about Nairi University is the flexibility that online education provides. However, course flexibility can also pose challenges for students. Study schedules easily slip out of focus and then life becomes confusing.

Viewing the course schedule

Many courses include a study schedule that is usually laid out for 6 months, and some courses provide a 4-month schedule. If you have a 4-month schedule, you will need to shorten the 6-month schedule to make sure you complete it on time. You need about 15 hours of study time each week for each course you are registered for. Plan for about 3 hours of training a day, 5 days a week. Plan for about 2 hours of study per day if you plan to study 7 days a week.

Choosing a planning tool

There are many different planning tools. Choose the one that works for you. To get a ready-to-use solution, consider this downloadable Excel scheduling tool. To make optimal use of this template, you need to do the following:
  1. In column A, enter the start date of the course. Make sure that the schedule reflects the number of days available under your course contract, which can be 4 months or 6 months. Create a schedule for each course you are enrolled in using the tabs at the bottom of the sheet.
  2. In columns B and C, divide the number of pages and reading tasks by the number of days available.
  3. It will be useful for you to fill in column E when filling in columns B and C.
  4. Schedule reading and assignments for 80 percent of your available days, leave 20 percent available for review, research, task preparation, etc.
  5. In column D, specify the title and the source of the link.
  6. In column E, determine the number of assignments required for the course and insert them at reasonable intervals to get feedback as you progress through the course.
  7. In column F, specify the number of exams in the course and insert them. Schedule an intermediate exam in the middle of the course and schedule a final exam by the end of your studies.
  8. Go back to column B, clear a few days before the exams (up to 7 for the final exam) to view and prepare for the exam.
  9. Also, in column F, insert a note about the deadline at least 20 days (about 3 weeks) before each exam to submit the exam request form. Insert a note to contact the inspector you plan to use to plan the time, date and place of writing of each exam.
  10. Insert a note about the deadline at least 30 days (about 4 and a half weeks) before the end date of the course to send a request form for an extension of the course only if you need it.
  11. Take your schedule and enter it into your phone calendar with synchronized alerts, so you will receive reminders before your deadlines.
  12. Insert a note about the deadline.

Viewing and repeating

It is recommended to study in 20-minute increments before taking a short 5-minute break. A digital timer is the right tool for managing your study time. Be sure to systematically review the study goals and ask yourself at the end of each page:
  • "What is this page about?"
  • "What did I learn from this page?"
  • "How does it relate to previous pages and materials?"
Before starting the next period of study, review what you studied in the previous period, and before starting tomorrow's new material, review what you studied today.

Working with calendars
Using a schedule may seem awkward at first, but it is achievable self-discipline and a clear plan will soon show that you are achieving your goals and succeeding.

A couple of tips:

  • Smartphone/tablet apps for learning skills and time management are great tools.
  • After you have dealt with almost all the routine, try to start working on tasks a little earlier than the scheduled time. Thus, when unexpected events occur in life, and they always do, then you will still be on the right track.
  • Keep in mind that you will need a 5-10 minute break every hour to keep your concentration.
  • Distribute your school week, treat this time as seriously as you do your job.
  • Write down in your phone notes everything that came to your mind unexpectedly outside of school time. This will help you remember a good idea and quickly get back to work on it.
  • Never leave home without some part of your study material that you can review on the road. Think about the 10-30 minute wait you have at the bus stop, subway, etc.

To get more information about how to prepare for admission and study, visit our Student Recommendations web page.
