

We expect you to accept our rules, then you can expect from Nairi University a university experience that will help you become successful.
By applying to Nairi University and registering for a course or program to study, each student of Nairi University agrees to comply with the terms of the chosen course/program, as well as academic standards, rules and regulations, contained or referred to in NU. 

Nairi University reserves the right to add, delete, modify its rules, practices, procedures, tuition fees, availability of courses/programs, method of lectures, schedule or program requirements at any time without prior notice to the student.
Rules of student behavior 

Students who choose a course/program are responsible for complying with the rules of Nairi University and the specific requirements related to the requested degree, diploma or certificate.
Every student accepted to the program and courses at Nairi University is considered to have agreed to be bound by the rules and requirements of the University and the program for which the student is enrolled.
Nairi University reserves the right to exercise its sole, absolute and unlimited decision on the admission of students to the University for its educational programs and courses.

Nairi University is not responsible for losses or damages incurred or incurred by any student or third party as a result of delay, modification or termination of services, courses, programs, tuition or fees due to: natural disasters, fire, strikes, lockouts, damage to University property, civil unrest or disobedience, financial insolvency of the student or other force majeure reasons of any kind.

Nairi University is not responsible for the content found on external websites.

After you have completed and submitted the common application form for a bachelor's, Master's or postgraduate degree, you have agreed to comply with the rules and regulations of Nairi University. Your knowledge and acceptance of the academic rules, rules and procedures of Nairi University is your contract with the University, in particular, the rules of student conduct.
We're here to help. If you have any difficulties accessing the information or if you need clarification on any issue or rules, please contact the university and your request will be sent to the appropriate department.
The behavior of applicants and students of Nairi University is regulated by the following three documents, which you can download and familiarize yourself with by downloading by clicking on the document you are interested in:

Regulations for the consideration of academic misconduct 

Regulations for the consideration of non-academic misconduct
Regulations for the submission and consideration of student appeals
Privacy protection

Nairi University collects and stores personal information only for the purposes of admission, registration and other activities related to membership in the Nairi University community. We inform you that the information provided by you, placed in your student record, will be used only for the purpose of organizing and providing studies.