Projects and Partners

An effective leader is able to develop a strategy, set goals, create business processes and a comfortable climate in the team. By finding growth points in your company, you will be able to scale your business.
When making management decisions, you build a business strategy, set criteria for the effectiveness of the team and monitor their implementation. Department heads build operational business processes, so the existence of any company is impossible without them.

Without a great team, no business strategy will bring success, because your employees must be able to:

Define business purposes and objectives, test hypotheses, search for missing information and analyze it, assess risks, predict results, hypothesize, experiment and make informed decisions based on data.


Build an operational strategy, allocate resources, reduce costs, and improve the quality of products and services. To deal with micromanagement and competently organize business processes.


To convey your thoughts in a reasoned manner, highlight the main thing, structure the main theses and defend ideas in front of colleagues, competently close objections and convince the interlocutor.


Create presentations with animations, draw visual tables with graphs and diagrams. This will allow you to prepare sales presentations for customers, partners and investors.

You know how difficult it is sometimes to find an employee for your company who has all the necessary specific knowledge and fits the mind of the team.
Therefore, the best solution is the participation of successful companies in the development of educational programs and courses. This will allow you to train specialists with relevant knowledge, without wasting time on his training after university. The opinion of managers and specialists of successful business projects will help the student to become more in demand in the chosen industry.
Create a real business effect with our Community by providing world-class training to students and professionals developed by the best universities and companies.

We invite you to join our Partner team

Kiwi Education

Kiwi Education is a recognized educational agency, as well as the leader of the New Zealand educational market, actively conquering Australia, Canada and Ireland. We help people from all over the world to come to their chosen country for immigration, study or travel.


Platinum Standard Education was founded with the aim of developing international education and providing students with the opportunity to study, gain knowledge and work experience in two countries at once.

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Polar Bear Immigration

Polar Bear Immigration is a Canadian immigration company that provides legal support in processing documents and applying for different types of visas: tourist, student, work, immigration, family, business visa. The company also provides information services in job search in Canada: resume writing, job selection, interviewing. The company's offices are located in Montreal (Quebec) and Nanaimo (British Columbia).

Lex Nova Immigration and Citizenship

Lex Nova Immigration and Citizenship is an immigration firm specializing in providing immigration advice on Canadian immigration programs and procedures, depending on your individual situation. We strive to understand what results you want and help you understand what actions we can take on your behalf.

Here you can find both short courses and full-fledged educational programs.
In addition, you can offer us your ideas and courses or educational programs created by you. If they meet modern international standards or you sufficiently argue the significance and importance of the proposed educational product, then we will consider your application and post it in our community.

Our projects

Master of Information Technology

Joint Master's Program, developed by Polytechnic & Wellington Institute of Technology (WelTec), New Zealand, and Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU), Russia.

The program is designed to facilitate the adaptation of students, based on the realities of the modern world. In addition, students receive educational documents from two countries.

Period of education: 1.5 years.
Language of education: English

Master of Information Technology

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International Business

International Business — The Double Degree Master's Program is the first joint program within the framework of partnership relations between Russian and New Zealand universities. The program was developed by IPU New Zealand, New Zealand, and Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU), Russia. The total period of study is 2 years. The first year students study at IPU New Zealand, the second year students study at Peter the Great SPbPU. Students who have successfully completed their studies receive two state diplomas: Postgraduate Diploma of Contemporary International Studies (IPU New Zealand) and Master degree in Management (International Business Development) (Peter the Great SPbPU).


Online program "Immigration to Canada" - The program is aimed at self—study of the main ways of moving to Canada. The purpose of the program is to provide enough information to choose a suitable immigration path and get related details about life in Canada. The program includes 8 modules and 21 lessons in video format with text accompaniment. Listeners of the program also receive links to official sources of information and a checklist "How to start immigration to Canada".

Поиск работы в Новой Зеландии

Online program "Job Search in New Zealand" — If you are moving to New Zealand in search of more comfortable living conditions, you do not want to make typical mistakes in finding a job and get rejected. You know for sure that work should be fun and well paid. Then this course is vital for you.

Поиск работы в Австралии

Online course "Job search in Australia" — You move to Australia, do not know how and where to look for work, do not want to make typical mistakes in job search and get rejected. Do you want to prepare for interviews qualitatively, write the right resume and learn a lot of other useful information. Then feel free to choose this course.
