
Our team

What we propose

Career opportunities

The ability to choose a project that is interesting to you personally


Opportunity for study and professional advancement


The opportunity to engage in research work


About our team

The personnel of our online university is both classical and completely unusual in its modern formation.
Classical is the attitude to the level of knowledge, professionalism and all generally accepted parameters of the lecturer's assessment. The high international level of requirements for lecturers as professionals and a key figure in the student's education process at our university is even higher than it is accepted. Perhaps the criteria for selecting lecturers will seem too strict, but in our opinion, only the best of the best can feel the student and treat him sensitively, since all our lectures are held only online.
The progressiveness of our views, however, lies in providing an incredible opportunity for both young lecturers or professionals in their field, and for already established specialists, to unleash their potential to the maximum. You will be able to implement new ideas for transferring your knowledge, improving the volume, completeness and relevance of educational material, invent and apply new techniques, involve students more in the learning process, communicate with colleagues, create joint projects and much more.

Consciousness is limited only by fantasy and possibilities. Develop yourself, we will provide you with opportunities.

You have already read about the requirements for lecturers and you have questions about what these unusual conditions are. In fact, there is nothing supernatural in our criteria, we are just trying to assemble a team of people who always remember what they dreamed of and who they wanted to become. Teaching is one of the noblest privileges of man. Unfortunately, due to various external and internal factors, people sometimes lose the landmark, the beacon that led them to the dream. Therefore, we deliberately remind and demand strict observance and compliance with the criteria that make a real Lecturer out of an ordinary teacher. In addition, it will help novice specialists to start their journey correctly.

The list of criteria only indicates ideal borderlines and we hope that you understand that there is no limit to perfection. Look for yourself and you will find a fire in yourself, which we will help to ignite in all its glory.

Basic requirements for a lecturer:
    ✑  High erudition and decent demeanor
    ✑  The ability to clearly, clearly present any material
    ✑  The ability to arouse and maintain students' interest in the lecture
    ✑  Creative approach in creating educational materials and conducting lectures 
    ✑  Patience, respect and exactingness to students
    ✑  Objectivity in assessing students' knowledge

How is the selection of lecturers?

You apply to join one of our projects, submit your project, write to us about yourself that you want to teach with us or choose any other way to join us. After meeting with you, if you are suitable for us, we will organize a test lecture or a series of webinars for you, depending on the complexity of your application, we will decide together individually. And let's see how you deal with students in practice. In any case, we are always pleased to help you.

Even if you are a professional in your field of activity, but have never taught, there is nothing insurmountable in this. The University has special courses that will help you learn everything you need and gain experience. This is especially important for companies that want to prepare employees for themselves by choosing them among students. It is always easier to immediately educate students relevant in their chosen field of activity than to finish educating after. Therefore, we invite super professionals to participate in the educational process and, of course, we can provide our own courses.

The uniqueness of our University lies in its flexibility, willingness to help and continuous development.
We are waiting for you and will be glad to welcome you to our team.
Serzh Nairi


Serzh Nairi is the founder and head of the university. He is an academic leader with a track history of strategic and operational experience, specializing in performing various tasks related to the management of a great amount of employees and responsibility. More than 24 years of experience, including in the creation of important international educational projects, allow us to implement important changes in the field of international higher and professional education.

One of his successful projects is the first ever joint Master's degree program between universities in Russia and New Zealand.

Throughout his career, Serzhe Nairi believes in the importance and influence of people's value systems when contacting each other, working together and communicating, which leads to the inevitable mutual understanding of cultures, through mutual respect. Education is outside politics. Affordable education is an important component of world culture and the foundation of Peace.