Search university for cooperation
As often happens, the desire to develop your university in terms of high-quality international relations with universities around the world is far from easy. After all, you need to find a university, look for the right contacts, make a lot of calls, write hundreds and thousands of letters, conduct other research. And with all this, you can't find the right contact person. Moreover, even if you find the right person, you may run into an employee who is not really willing to do his job with full dedication. Believe me, only absolute dedication to your work and the desire to achieve more by developing your university should be present in the character traits and aspirations of a responsible employee. So, the probability of finding such a person is greatly reduced if you are suddenly unlucky by chance.

We decided that it is necessary to create a platform that excludes accidents and allows you to find the right contact. Universities are registered on the platform, which employ exactly such professionals in their field who understand that cooperation with other universities leads to the exchange of experience, the creation of new acquaintances in the scientific and educational environment. And as a result, the work of the universities themselves is improving. All this is reflected in the students who get a chance to study in programs that have no analogues.
We are sure that you are just such a person and we offer you to promote your university by creating new connections, new programs, new opportunities.

Join us by clicking the button below and filling out the registration form.

Note: In the column "Tell us how we can support you", specify in detail which university you would like to cooperate with, how exactly, and so on. Everything that will help make a first impression and understanding of your idea. We will send your letter to the right university and if they are interested in your offer, they will contact you.
If you are already registered as a partner university, then write us the information as indicated above in the note and we will try to help you. You need to write on the Support and Community Contacts web page.

You can study the list of our partner universities on the Projects and Partners web page. On the same page you can also study which programs have been created by our partner universities. Perhaps this will help you decide on the offer of cooperation or the choice of a university.