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Transcripts and assessments

Your entire academic record will be displayed in the transcripts of your courses/programs. Keep track of your academic progress. You can check both intermediate and final grades, but the final grade will not be displayed in your transcript until it becomes official. This may take some time.

Checking grades
You can access your grades from a teacher or program supervisor, as soon as the assignment or exam is marked, they will appear in your grades. 

Transcript Request
You can request a transcript in the section by writing to us. Please do not request your transcript if you are still waiting for the completion of the program/course. There is no charge for a transcript sent online. You can pay an additional fee to have your transcript sent by courier in paper form or by fax.

The structure of the score-rating system of assessments at Nairi University


Minimum average grade
The minimum average score to be taken into account for Nairi University is 3.50 (reduced to two decimal places).

Unsatisfactory grades
These are any grades less than the minimum passing score. Unsatisfactory grades are all grades below D.
Evaluation grade
This is a number from 0 to 4.00, which is assigned a score (letter designation or percentage), then the average score is calculated. The value of the assessment score is reflected in the official student report.

Average grade
The average score of the assessment is a weighted average calculated as follows:
Sum (average score x credit hours)/ (sum of credit hours)  

Diploma with Honors and Diploma with Special Distinction
The minimum average score for obtaining a Diploma with Honors is the average score for the program from 3.60 (reduced to two decimal places) and up to an average score up to 3.84 inclusive (reduced to two decimal places). The minimum average score for obtaining a Diploma with Special Distinction is 3.85 points in the program (reduced to two decimal places).    
Minimum passing score                                        
The minimum passing score is D
Official Student Grade List                                          
An official document issued by NU, which confirms the courses completed and the grades obtained in these courses. Also called a transcript/transcript.  

Average score in the Program                                          
The average score calculated based on the grades for the courses taken in a particular program. The average score of the program is used to meet the requirements for graduates of programs, awards, graduation with honors and special distinction.  

Average score on the Transcript                                            
The cumulative average score of all completed courses in the program at Nairi University.

Evaluation of undergraduate courses  
Description          Alphabetic designation       Evaluation grade
Excellent                                                 A+                                              4.0  
Excellent                                                 A                                                4.0  
Excellent                                                 A-                                               3.7  
Excellent                                                 B+                                              3.3  
Good                                                       B                                                3.0  
Good                                                       B-                                               2.7  
Good                                                       C+                                              2.3  
Satisfactory                                             C                                                2.0  
Satisfactory                                             C-                                               1.7  
Low grade                                               D+                                              1.3  
Minimum grade                                       D                                                1.0  
Unsatisfactory                                         F                                                  0  

Percentage ratio                               Alphabetic designation
                     90-100                                                                  A+  
                     85-89                                                                    A  
                     80-84                                                                    A-  
                     76-79                                                                    B+  
                     73-75                                                                    B  
                     70-72                                                                    B-  
                     67-69                                                                    C+  
                     64-66                                                                    C  
                     60-63                                                                    C-  
                     55-59                                                                    D+  
                     50-54                                                                    D  
                     0-49                                                                      F  
Evaluation grade
The grading score is a number from 0 to 4.00 that is assigned to the grade (letter or percentage) and then used to calculate the average score.

Average score
The average grade point is a weighted average calculated as follows: Sum (grade point x credit hours) / (sum of credit hours).

Minimum passing grade
The minimum passing grade is 60%, except when otherwise specified in the detailed descriptions of the courses. Passing grade C-.
Some programs require more than a minimum passing grade for the courses to be used to obtain a graduate diploma.

Unsatisfactory grades
Unsatisfactory grades are any grades less than the passing grade.Minimum passing grade: If the graduate level of the program is lower than the C- passing grade, then the degree will not be awarded. All exceptions to the definition of the minimum passing grade and grades for failure should be indicated in the detailed information about the course. 

The rating scale looks like this:
      Alphabetic designation        Percentage ratio              Evaluation grade  
                              A+                                          95 –  100                                            4.0  
                              A                                            90 – 94                                               4.0  
                              A-                                           85 – 89                                               3.7  
                              B+                                          80 – 84                                               3.3  
                              B                                            75 – 79                                               3.0  
                              B-                                          70 – 74                                                2.7  
                              C+                                         66 – 69                                                2.3  
                              C                                            63 – 65                                               2.0  
                              C-                                          60 – 62                                               1.7  
                              F                                            59 – 0                                                 0.0   
Frequently Asked Questions on the online transcript request
How do I request a transcript online?
Write a letter to Nairi University requesting a transcript in free form, explaining how to send it to you. Don't forget to specify the program you studied in.
How many transcripts can I request at the same time?
You can request any number of transcripts online for free or to several addresses by mail or courier (for an additional fee, according to the tariffs of postal or courier services).
What is the fee for requesting a transcript?
The request is free, the online transcript view will be provided to you for free. However, please note that if you want your transcript to be sent by courier, a fee is charged for this service according to the prices for international mail shipments.
If I request a transcript, when will it be sent?
Usually, it should take three working days, but the delivery time itself depends on the postal or courier service and the number of requests we received.
Why is my score not displayed in the transcript, but I can view it online in the record book?
The teacher will have to complete your assessment and submit it to the University Office before it appears in your transcript. Please note that you should not proceed with the transcript request if you are waiting for the evaluation to be completed.