
Flexibility and openness

Flexible schedule and online education format give you more opportunities, so you have time for your life.

If you want to get or continue your education in order to move up the career ladder, complete your program at another institution or achieve greater stability in your life, then our programs and courses will help you. They are designed in such a way that you can successfully complete all your plans, wherever and whenever you are and in any life situations.

What makes studying online at Nairi University unique compared to traditional universities?
  • The online programs and courses offered by Nairi University can help you achieve your goals after graduating from high school, wherever you are.
  • Nairi University's flexible online courses allow students to study while working full-time, traveling abroad, raising children, or living under any other life circumstances that may make it difficult to match traditional education to your schedule.

How is Nairi University similar to traditional universities?
  • Programs and courses are developed by experts in their fields, who always stay up to date with the latest information on the fields of science.
  • Cross-credit of disciplines in various international equivalent systems are available between universities.
  • Additional support services, such as academic counseling and counseling on the choice of programs and courses, are available to every student of Nairi University, regardless of whether you take one course or the entire program.


How does Nairi University differ from traditional universities?

The NU include electronic texts or other teaching materials for programs/courses that require them. These materials are embedded in the cost of your program/course.

You can study science and do your coursework anytime, anywhere, you can study, and also not miss other important life events, such as family or work.

Book your final exam on the day that is best for you.

Restrictions on admission to Bachelor's degree programs
Registration of the program is non-competitive and you can start when it is best for you. First-year undergraduate programs rarely have prerequisites, except that you must be at least 16 years old to apply. Please specify on our website all the conditions for admission to a particular program.

Groups for courses
Classes are never filled and start on the first day of every month, every month.

Online Education    
Nairi University is one of the few international universities in the world offering online higher and specialised education. We have improved online learning and developed our courses for self-study opportunities.  

International joint educational programs
Nairi University was the first to combine the programs of universities around the world with each other, sometimes offering its courses as a connecting element. This allowed students to broaden their horizons, be more prepared and in demand in their field of activity, while not spending huge amounts of money on moving, flights, accommodation and training in different countries.
Textbooks for each program/course you study are most often additional expenses. Often these textbooks are expensive and you will only read certain sections related to your course.

Classes are held according to a set schedule determined by the university, not necessarily when it is convenient for you. Balancing between full of emotions, work, family and education becomes much more difficult.

Exams are held on fixed dates determined by the program/course.

Restrictions on admission to Bachelor's degree programs
Admission is limited and can be highly competitive. Some programs may have a minimal supply with high demand. Many programs will only accept high school graduates with certain average scores.

Groups for courses
Classes are divided into three or four semesters, all with the same start dates. In-demand groups can fill up quickly, you will have to wait.

Online Education
Traditional universities are only now beginning to integrate online education into their educational programs.  

International joint educational programs
Traditional universities can offer double degree programs, with only a small portion of online study in another country. Which leads to large and not always justified expenses for the student.
Why study online?

By studying online at Nairi University, you can get a quality education that meets all your needs to achieve success in your career and life. You can adapt your education to your personal interests or professional needs, and you can complete your studies without sacrificing time spent with your family, career or active life.

You can apply at any time - and as soon as you complete the application process, you can register for the course/program immediately. With many courses starting on the first day of each month, we are ready when you sign up.

Our students have completed courses/programs and received degrees, while:
  • continued to build a career full-time
  • spent time with family
  • traveled the world
  • worked abroad or were on business trips
  • served in the armed forces or humanitarian groups
  • engaged in sports, competing as professional athletes

We believe that at Nairi University everyone should have equal, open, free access to education. We have set ourselves the task of removing barriers that can restrict access to achievements, so we accept undergraduate students regardless of their:
  • location
  • of age
  • income
  • work culture and family responsibilities
  • previous education or achievements

And everyone needs to understand that education is outside politics at our University.
