Find a project to participate in it
Every good specialist is constantly looking for ways of growth and development for himself. In the case of Lecturers, this is working with students and working in a scientific environment on a project. If you feel that you can do more, that your teaching or scientific potential is not exhausted, then you urgently need to act. Don't put it off for later.

There is no time and it is generally unclear how to combine work on your scientific research with teaching, or have you not decided in which scientific field you would like to develop? Do you have ideas, but do you need another university or other teachers to implement your idea? Or maybe you are a young teacher or are you just going to become one?

Then You come to us!

Join us by clicking the button below and filling out the registration form.
Note: In the column "Tell us how we can help you", specify in detail which university you would like to cooperate with, how and exactly what idea, proposal or program you have, etc. Write everything that will help make a first impression of you and an understanding of your idea. We will send the letter to the right university and if they are interested in your offer, they will contact you.
If you only want to become a teacher, then write this along with your vision and offer of a program/course/knowledge that you could pass on to students. Nairi University will try to help you.
On the Projects and Partners page, you can study all universities, partners and projects before registering.

If you are already registered, then write us the information as indicated above in the note and we will try to help you. You need to write on the Support and Community Contacts web page.