Nairi International University Online Community

Dream and do it

How the Community functions

More than 95%

of universities, teachers and partners are satisfied with the quality of our assistance

More than 95%

of universities recommend our International University Community to others

More than 90%

of our Community says they have maximized their potential
Логотип Международного Университетского Онлайн Сообщества Наири

Choose your way

For Universities

Для университетов

League of Lecturers

Лига лекторов

Nairi University

Университет Наири

Partners and Projects

проекты и партнеры
What they say about our University Community
"This is a new and so far the first region to which the Polytechnic University has entered online. We are trying to make the most of all the opportunities that our teams have in connection with the transition to remote mode. For several months, Polytech and IPU New Zealand discussed the format of cooperation via video link. Despite the distances and the time difference, we clearly see prospects for the development of joint projects and international educational programs. And, of course, we will be glad if other universities of New Zealand join the SPbPU partner network."

Vice-Rector for International Affairs of SPbPU Dmitry ARSENYEV

It's time to do

Take advantage of Community suggestions:

Совместные программы

Joint programs

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Become a Lecturer

Об университете Наири

About Nairi University

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